clapham family gardens

 clapham family

clapham family gardens

contact Henrietta on 07711 652992
clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design

Play garden

Design of a Clapham family garden creates space for fun, play and relaxation. It puts space for running around as a priority. Bounce on a sunken trampoline which has been surrounded by evergreen hedging to screen it from house.  Or play boules on a perfect specialised surface lined with fragrant lavender. Play games in a painted bespoke Wendy House immersed in clematis and pretty cottage garden flowers.


clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design

Activity garden

Long lawns for small scale cricket, badminton, table tennis tables. Go pond dipping in a pretty pool of railways sleepers. Have a swim in a pool surrounded by loungers, lush grass and stunning sculpture. A bright red pergola is a vibrant and fun addition to a garden of three distinct areas. The creative design lays emphasis on family time in this Clapham garden.

clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design clapham family garden by henrietta gentilli garden design july 12 015

Relaxing garden

Important too is plenty of space to sit and relax with seating and dining. These areas can be either close to the house or further into the gardens planting. Or they can be both, by way of a house terrace and a garden room at the end of the garden. The design here has also balanced the areas of lawn and terrace.